Good morning, my name is Miss Monica Sanchez, I am the English Coordinator at Academia Campestre Michel De Montaigne. I am leading the English program applying new ideas that will let our students get higher levels of English and improve their skills.Some of the strategies we are carrying out are:

• We mixed Technology and Young Scientists classes to develop scientific thinking, meanwhile our students practice their English; here they are creating projects following the Engineering Design Process as an approach to the scientific method.

• Visit some places around the city where our students can learn culture, among other things, as well as practice their English in daily activities

• Our students will have the opportunity to take a standardized test in March, that will let us measure their level of English, create an improvement plan, and apply it again at the end of the year to see how much they have advanced.

• We are borrowing English didactic materials from outer institutions to use as support in our classes.

• As a future plan there will be some extracurricular classes to help our students get confidence and expand their skills, it will be the first step in the creation of an English Academy for our students, for their families, and for the whole community.

• These are just some of the things we want to do.I hope you are satisfied with all the things we are doing and planning, support us in. our ideas, and participate actively as a very important member of this process.

Good bye, have a nice day!